Welcome to SpiritDAO's official resource page and informational documents.
SpiritDAO is a registered 501(c)(3) 170(b)(1)(A)(i) Church of Temporal Naturalism, EIN #99-1308806.
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🌐 Further the Eight Dignities.
Time is the transformation of transformation.
To be human is to be an observer within an informational universe.
We ride on the crest of the wave of the present, always inhabiting the boundary of what is. Aspects of the totality of the moment experiencing itself from a wide variety of perspectives. There is only ever an transforming moment.
Our past is inaccessible, and our future is always unknown.
Today information is expanding exponentially in all directions, parallel to the universe. Our technological ascendency empowers us to do and become more within our moments.
Despite our expanding powers, we remain confined to philosophies, practices, and systems that stifle us—creations of our own making that prioritize their preservation over meeting the needs of the moment.
We architect future and past within the present.
We only ever inhabit now, a transforming moment that rippling throughout the universe.
We reject the influence and limitations our past places on the present.
The changing nature of time calls on us to exert our most radical power as human beings, our ability to choose to be more than our circumstances allow.
Cosmology and physics have revealed the single truth. It changes everything we think we know about the universe and demands a reimagination of how we organize our relationships with ourselves and others. Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis binds spiritual renaissance to systemic reformation as a pathway toward shared transcendence.
In Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis, you’ll discover:
What cosmology and physics reveal about the nature of reality and what it means for humanity.
A detailed analysis of the multiple crises humanity struggles to overcome and what we must do to transcend them.
How the changing nature of time, single truth, relational universe, and observable infinities reframe spirituality and divinity.
A redefinition of self as it relates to individual and systemic actualization, including new core values to guide our everyday lives.
The Eight Dignities: A new set of systemic rights that further our alignment with the single truth and relational universe to fully recognize and honor our embodied infinity.
Frameworks of philosophy and practice you can embrace immediately to better align yourself with the nature of the universe as it is.
This text is a living document co-evolving alongside the SpiritDAO community.
The spiritual effort laid out in the book was not named, we now call it Temporal Naturalism.
A community initiative to translate Self-actualization in the Age of Crisis into a graphic novel format.
Not yet for sale.
SpiritDAO furthers individual and systemic actualization in alignment with the single truth and the relational universe through our three core purposes.
Advancements in cosmology and physics progressively provide a context of being that demands a redefinition of self, system, spirit, and society. We serve to realize this alternative.
We're building an action-oriented community of aligned practitioners and partners in order to realize the Eight Dignities - a suite of global public works intended to free our latent imagination.
SpiritDAO is a registered 501(c)(3) 170(b)(1)(A)(i) Church of Temporal Naturalism, EIN #99-1308806. Our Church is organized as a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) so that we might empower a variety of metamodern spiritual alternatives.
Living in an era of abundance where the majority struggle to meet their most basic needs.
Crises surround us and our available vehicles for change resist it by design, but change is the single truth.
The systems surrounding us prioritize birth lottery as the most important event of our lives. They fail to fully recognize and respect the divinity inherent in each of us.
We have given our creations power over us, yet they fail to meet the needs of this moment.
They do not deserve this power. We are more than them.
Our greatest struggle is not that we’re here but have lacked other paths.
But what else is there, and where to begin?
The only place we can — the end.
The relational universe expresses our understanding that no separate events exist in nature. Being is always momentary totality—a single happening.
The absolute unity of the individual observer and the universe itself is a well-established spiritual philosophy central to the Vedic, Hindu, and Buddhist philosophies. We are both inseparable from the other and simultaneously independent of them.
When we embrace oneness with the relational universe, we acknowledge our deep connection with the world around us.
Oneness with the relational universe isn’t purely spiritual philosophy but the material reality of existence. Our scientific knowledge continues to expand upon how our thoughts, actions, observations, and creations ripple throughout the universe—highlighting that the changing nature of time is a trend growing in parallel with the changing nature of humanity.
Today we understand that human observation changes the universe, committing probability to history and generating disorder.
All systems reinforce specific ways of thinking and acting within the world, defining relationships with ourselves and others by forcing us to take on a particular shape. Our inhabiting a relational universe ensures that the direction of focus and energy in the moment is a mutual act of becoming.
Our embrace of a relational universe governed by the single truth as a source of spiritual grounding demands a commitment to systemic actualization to recognize the divinity inherent in ourselves and others.
We seek to maximize individual access and agency and free the latent imagination trapped in the world.
Cosmology and physics demonstrate that we inhabit a reality of sequential universes. Before this universe, there were others. After this universe, there will be more. The knowledge of successive universes beyond our single universe provides us with an observable infinity.
Nothing has ever not been changing, solidifying the ultimate reality of existence as momentary totalities. Ever progressing, ever-evolving, and omnidirectional in its directions and degrees of transformation. At any point you observe it, the entirety of the universe extends from your unique conscious coordinates.
All human knowledge and effort are bound to the single truth of change. It is the most real concept that exists.
Temporal Naturalism relates to the reality of nature as time, transformation.
The single truth represents universal commonality, the cornerstone of spiritual renaissance that binds us to a shared vision and purpose.
The single truth requires no believers. It spares nothing from change, including itself.
The German philosopher Immanuel Kant once asked what happens when we encounter absolute knowledge.
Now is our moment to choose an answer.
🤝 Discord: https://discord.gg/Dg94YJxAEm
💬 Telegram: https://t.me/thespiritdao
📆 Community Calendar: https://www.spiritdao.org/community#event-calendar
👋 Join SpiritDAO: https://join.spiritdao.org
💡 Member Onboarding: https://www.bonfire.xyz/spiritdao/home
💵 Community Wallet: 0xF3c47077C406FeA33daD4BE498fDf03Cb5d4537f
🟡 $SELF Token Contract: 0xed034912584d0bcdefc396d27b641f4419cec865
🏹 Guild.xyz: https://guild.xyz/spiritdao
🗳️ Voting: https://snapshot.org/#/spiritdao.eth
Our philosophies, practices, and purposes.
Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis Book: https://singletruth.org
Website: https://spiritdao.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thespiritdao
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SpiritDAO
SpiritDAO Newsletter: https://paragraph.xyz/@spiritdao/subscribe
Documentation: https://docs.spiritdao.org
Collaboration Hub: https://collab.spiritdao.org (Members Only)
Our symbology represents the two observable infinities.
It consists of three overlapping circles.
The leftmost and center circle represent the embodied infinity of the individual.
The rightmost and center circle represent the external infinity of the universe.
The large outer circle represents the immediate present, the totality of the moment.
The alignment of the two observable infinities represents divinity in the moment. The experience of flowing alignment with the nature of being.
The extension of the two infinities beyond the totality of the moment represents how by aligning the observable infinities we become more than the totality of our circumstances.
There are two observable infinities within the universe.
The Universe Itself
Human Imagination
The alignment of these two represents human divinity within the moment.
We embrace this knowledge and apply it to our practice. In doing so, we become more godlike, fully expressing and expanding our powers.
Self (noun): The relationship between the individual and their circumstance within a given moment.
The eight dignities represent individual sacred rights in alignment with the single truth and relational universe. They are central to our spiritual practice and describe our current approach to systemic actualization.
Our advancement of the eight dignities frees the individual from the constraints of birth lottery as the primary determining factor of access and agency in life. Through collective progress, we most expansively elevate the individual to express their divinity in the moment.
Food & Water
SpiritDAO is an action-oriented community serving to further realize these global public works as one of our core purposes.
We accomplish this through various methods, including capital support for DAOs and organizations working to develop public goods within the eight dignities, inter-community investment, product/service creation, and cross-pollinating membership with mission and value-aligned organizations.
Self-actualization refers to the combination of individual and systemic actualization.
Individual actualization is the development of the self. "I"
Systemic actualization is the development of the collective. "We"
Individual actualization represents our journeys towards alignment with the single truth and relational universe. It recognizes that in a relational universe governed by the single truth, the individual is always the sum of the event chains they inherit, except for the moment itself. We can change our individual and shared direction here and now.
To better empower us to do this, we embrace frameworks of meaning and value in alignment with the single truth and the relational universe. At the heart of our rejection of the past's influence on the present is the embrace of our own embodied infinity.
The actualized individual is a shapeshifter whose agency and access within the world grant them the capacity to choose to become in any direction. We inhabit a reality of exponentially increasing change, and we must become the individuals who can thrive in such moments.
Systemic actualization represents our spiritual project of unbinding the individual access and agency from birth lottery and a past we had no say in choosing.
Our alignment with the single truth and relational universe extends into developing and organizing the systems we surround ourselves with to free the latent imagination trapped within our creations.
Through the systemic project, we elevate the human condition to one where all individuals can align the observable infinities.
Systemic actualization recognizes that the systems defining our relationships with others are inseparable from our moral and material interests. It reinforces the belief and practices that each must be able to transform themselves and redirect their lives without requiring consensus from other systems or groups.
Self-actualization is the merging of individual and system as a single self that intertwines our creations with our spirituality.
We recognize ourselves as the embodied infinity we are and bind our spirituality toward realizing this vision for all.
To do this, we reframe our legal, political, economic, social, and spiritual orders in alignment with the single truth and relational universe.
An easy method for recalling the core values guiding our practice is to use the anagram "REFRAME Courage"
Summary: The belief and practice of applying our knowledge of the relational universe to our interactions with others.
Application: Ground your spirituality in the universal interconnectivity and alignment of the observable infinities.
Summary: The belief and practice of fairness in our personal and systemic relationships.
Application: Question if your interactions with others are rooted in fairness and mutual divinity.
Summary: The belief and practice of embracing the moment without expectation.
Application: Focus on actions, not outcomes. Embrace our lack of control over the greater circumstance and recognize that no moment reflects your expansive divinity.
Summary: The belief and practice of exercising disciplined choice.
Application: Practice discipline with your habits and interactions with others.
Summary: The belief and practice of elevating our perception within and of the totality of experience.
Application: Take time to observe the totality of your experience from a fresh perspective. What surrounds you, what direction are you heading, and how does it align with your vision?
Summary: The belief and practice of eliminating the unnecessary.
Application: Avoid acquiring the unnecessary. Ground happiness in the development of yourself and your networks.
Summary: The belief and practice of fully immersing oneself in undertakings.
Application: Immerse yourself in whatever you do. Learn to love the journey of becoming more.
Summary: The belief and practice of fearlessness in the face of the unknown.
Application: Decouple failure from emotion. Recognize that greatness occurs through choice within the moment.
Detailed information about SpiritDAO Membership
SpiritDAO member onboarding occurs in small cohorts and combines self-guided learning and group discussions.
The onboarding contains both required and optional components. It takes about three and a half hours to complete all the necessary aspects of the process, four and a half including the optional content.
Voting within the DAO is reserved for those who dedicate the focus and energy necessary to complete our onboarding process. Token-holding members are not required to participate in the onboarding process.
For more details about our onboarding process, visit our collaboration hub.
Note: As of 11/5/24 Membership is Invite-only - we are rethinking our approach during this period.
SpiritDAO leverages time-limited, non-transferable digital tokens to verify membership, identity, contribution, and benefits such as members' access to virtual and physical resources.
Tokens are issued in batches (rounds) with gaps between new member onboarding to ensure organic growth. We strictly enforce a single membership token per individual.
We offer pathways for membership that do and do not require donations.
Donation tiers are means based and higher tiers provide minor (not-voting) perks.
We accept dollars, specific cryptocurrencies, and $SELF tokens as donations in exchange for membership access. Donations may also be made outside membership tokens for those with the resources.
Upon formalization of our 501c3, your donations will be charitable write-offs.
SpiritDAO is a community funded and governed by our members. We embrace transparency, cooperation, and accountability in everything we do.
If the philosophies and practices outlined in this graphic novel resonate with you, we invite you to join our community.
Members embrace the opportunity and responsibility to govern our protocols, contribute to value generation, and guide our larger strategic mission, vision, and efforts.
At SpiritDAO, the strength of our community is vital to our mission and purpose. Opportunities to participate are varied in their directions and degrees, as are learning opportunities. We determine access and agency within the organization by individual participation and contribution. Together we are working towards creating something bigger than ourselves.
We host various events and spaces weekly to help members connect and collaborate. Including weekly study of our philosophy and practice, rituals, DAO Town Halls where we discuss formal business, and more. We also prioritize and support the organization of decentralized place-based community building and formal events.
Our community has the right to everything we create, and each active member has the agency to direct our shared efforts. Monetizing our shared assets for personal gain of any kind requires community consensus.
Every day at SpiritDAO, our members align the observable infinities to create the new.
When we become a part of SpiritDAO, we believe in and contribute to something greater than ourselves.
A shared vision of humanity in deep alignment with nature and more fully representative of the embodied infinity we possess.
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) thrive on member creativity and contribution. The leader is often the person who knows what to do next.
SpiritDAO provides the infrastructure, resources, and education necessary to help you contribute towards our shared purposes in the directions of your choosing.
Members leverage our Collaboration Hub to share ideas, collaborate around implementation, and make formal proposals.
Proposals allow requests for funding, set firm milestones for completion, and are voted on by SpiritDAO members for approval or rejection. Proposal templates are pre-populated in our collaboration hub, making becoming involved easier and more convenient.
This process is explored in detail within our Member Onboarding!
For more detailed information about the organization of Pods, Proposals, and more, see SpiritDAO Governance.
SpiritDAO's intercommunity currency.
In a relational universe governed by the single truth, directing our focus and energy within a moment is an act of mutual becoming.
At SpiritDAO, developing incentive and contribution mechanisms in alignment with our values is vital to the successful execution of our purposes.
$SELF tokens are our inter-community exchange tokens.
$SELF tokens are time-bound and cannot be purchased. We earn them by directing our focus and energy toward SpiritDAO and SpiritDAO-related efforts.
Members exchange $SELF tokens for priority access to community resources, artifacts, events, memberships, and more.
$SELF tokens hold no value besides the value we collectively give them. They are a way for the community to reward itself and recognize member contributions.
Non-members cannot earn $SELF tokens.
$SELF tokens exist on the Optimism Chain — Etherscan.
At SpiritDAO, we organize ourselves into “pods.” A pod is a small working group with an independent budget and operations framework control.
All pods form through the submission of a formal proposal. Pods may be indefinite or started to complete a specific task or sprint.
Members who direct their focus and energy towards SpiritDAO earn merit through contribution. This results in increased voting weight applied toward specific proposals.
All of this and more is possible because we leverage digital membership tokens. If this sounds technical, don’t worry. Our Onboarding Pod walks new members through each step of the process.
We provide ample opportunities to learn, upskill, and contribute towards our shared mission and purpose. Members are free to join existing initiatives and imagine alternatives.
For more information, see Pod Agreements.
SpiritDAO leverages the following tooling to empower community access and agency.
- Time-limited, non-transferable membership tokens.
- Collaboration / Operations (Forum/Votes/Wiki/Bounties/Member Directory/Calendar)
- Hats supports a suite of customized tokens/keycards that serve to provide granular access and agency within the DAO and accrue merit over time. Supports the infrastructure for weighted voting.
- Bonfire is a token-gated video viewing platform where I can export the content watched (to the minute) of a specific wallet holding the token. Important in that it lets us verify that they completed the video.
- Token gates our + Assigns roles chosen during onboarding. Also gates our google docs.
- Snapshot is off-chain voting by wallet (and supports weighted voting w/ hats). Most DAOs today conduct most activity off chain and then commit transactions to a chain after consensus within the community. This is integrated with Charmverse so our users can operate in a single ecosystem.
We run on the (Ethereum L2)
See our Roadmap for a more extensive listing of planned utility
At SpiritDAO, we are experimenting with communal artificial intelligence. Sensemaker AI is a public-facing large-language model trained on Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis. You can interact with it in chatbot form at singletruth.org. It’s a great way to explore our philosophy and practice related to your unique journey.
Sensemaker Prime is a members-only large-language model trained on Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis. This model evolves by integrating new knowledge. It will serve as a community pulse and may eventually guide our efforts.
The guidelines outlined herein serve as a network agreement for any/all participants engaging in SpiritDAO. All participating members bound to compliance with these guidelines.
The purpose of the SpiritDAO Governance Proposal Process ("the SDGP process") is to provide a structured process for making changes to the shared resources of the SpiritDAO Network. For these shared resources, governance processes are needed to grant or deny access and approve or reject proposed changes.
Note: For a abridged visual representation of the Proposal Process see .
Any Verified SpiritDAO Member can create a Proposal in the Primary DAO. Members may visit our to view our available proposal templates and guides.
Public deliberation: all proposals must be shared during the public deliberation phase in the SpiritDAO Forum located in our Collaboration Center and linked in the unless these services are unavailable.
Learn more about SpiritDAO's existing and future revenue models
Best practices and rules regarding engagement in the SpiritDAO Community
Guidelines for the development and organization of Pods within SpiritDAO.
The Pod is bound primarily to the SpiritDAO Network Agreement, and secondarily to its own rules and/or Agreements.
Each Pod shall initially consist of 3 members.
All members will be elected through an election proposal in the Primary DAO.
The term of each member shall be of 1 years.
In the circumstance where a Pod is organized with a leader(s) and should multiple pod members be re-elected for more than five consecutive terms, the member elected for the most extended period of time will be discharged and replaced with a new committee member. The discharged member(s) can be re-elected after two years.
Only natural persons who are Verified Members can be members of the Pod.
Pods may take a variety of governance forms as outlined in Metropolis Pod Configurations
Termination of membership
If a member commits a serious breach (as determined by the Primary DAO) of the Network Agreement, the Executive Pod may at any time remove said member of a Pod. The member may appeal the decision to the Primary DAO (or future court systems).
A SpiritDAO Community vote will carry out all proposals for termination.
The Executive Pod (or future court systems) shall carry out any appeals.
Compensation & Expenses
Committee members of Pods may be compensated a monthly stipend. (Stable Coin / $SELF)
The Executive Pod shall reimburse committee members for any reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties
SpiritDAO is a non-profit religious corporation (501c3) EIN # 99-1308806
Except for any indemnification obligations or specific liability set out in this Charter, the liability of each natural or legal person that has drafted any part of this Charter or supported the initiation of this Charter or SpiritDAO, each SpiritDAO Token Holder, each member of a Pod and each natural or legal person interacting with the SpiritDAO Network shall be limited to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. The liability of each of the aforementioned is several and not joint, and each shall be liable only for its obligations (and not those of anyone else) under this Charter or in connection with this Charter or with SpiritDAO.
Neither party's participation or interaction with SpiritDAO shall have any express or implied right or authority to assume or create any obligations on behalf of or in the name of anyone else participating or interacting with SpiritDAO or to bind anyone else to any contract, agreement, or undertaking. SpiritDAO is fully independent and not controlled by any individual or organization. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will SpiritDAO be liable for damages of any kind, under any legal theory, arising out of or in connection with your use, participation, or interaction with SpiritDAO, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to, loss of revenue, loss of profits, loss of business or anticipated savings, loss of use, loss of goodwill or loss of data, even if foreseeable.
SpiritDAO is only represented by votes of the DAO Token Holders and not by any single or a limited group of participants; everyone that is entering into any relationship (including but not limited to participation or any interaction) with SpiritDAO acknowledges that the others also having a relationship with SpiritDAO are neither jointly nor severally liable for acts or omission of SpiritDAO. The liability of SpiritDAO is limited to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law; in case of any mandatory liability, the total liability of SpiritDAO is limited to its assets. Except as otherwise set out in this Charter, any claims, disputes, or controversies arising out of this Charter or in connection with the access, interaction, use, or governance of SpiritDAO or in connection with any relationship among the SpiritDAO Token Holders or anyone else interacting with SpiritDAO shall be settled:
By mutual agreement between the parties, using SpiritDAO Court or another mutually agreed arbitration service. Otherwise, in the Court of the city of Dover (DE, USA) and this Charter shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the United States.