Note: As of 11/5/24 Membership is Invite-only - we are rethinking our approach during this period.
SpiritDAO leverages time-limited, non-transferable digital tokens to verify membership, identity, contribution, and benefits such as members' access to virtual and physical resources.
Tokens are issued in batches (rounds) with gaps between new member onboarding to ensure organic growth. We strictly enforce a single membership token per individual.
We offer pathways for membership that do and do not require donations.
Donation tiers are means based and higher tiers provide minor (not-voting) perks.
We accept dollars, specific cryptocurrencies, and $SELF tokens as donations in exchange for membership access. Donations may also be made outside membership tokens for those with the resources.
Upon formalization of our 501c3, your donations will be charitable write-offs.
SpiritDAO is a community funded and governed by our members. We embrace transparency, cooperation, and accountability in everything we do.
If the philosophies and practices outlined in this graphic novel resonate with you, we invite you to join our community.
Members embrace the opportunity and responsibility to govern our protocols, contribute to value generation, and guide our larger strategic mission, vision, and efforts.
At SpiritDAO, the strength of our community is vital to our mission and purpose. Opportunities to participate are varied in their directions and degrees, as are learning opportunities. We determine access and agency within the organization by individual participation and contribution. Together we are working towards creating something bigger than ourselves.
We host various events and spaces weekly to help members connect and collaborate. Including weekly study of our philosophy and practice, rituals, DAO Town Halls where we discuss formal business, and more. We also prioritize and support the organization of decentralized place-based community building and formal events.
Our community has the right to everything we create, and each active member has the agency to direct our shared efforts. Monetizing our shared assets for personal gain of any kind requires community consensus.
Every day at SpiritDAO, our members align the observable infinities to create the new.
When we become a part of SpiritDAO, we believe in and contribute to something greater than ourselves.
A shared vision of humanity in deep alignment with nature and more fully representative of the embodied infinity we possess.
SpiritDAO member onboarding occurs in small cohorts and combines self-guided learning and group discussions.
The onboarding contains both required and optional components. It takes about three and a half hours to complete all the necessary aspects of the process, four and a half including the optional content.
Voting within the DAO is reserved for those who dedicate the focus and energy necessary to complete our onboarding process. Token-holding members are not required to participate in the onboarding process.
For more details about our onboarding process, visit our collaboration hub.
At SpiritDAO, we organize ourselves into “pods.” A pod is a small working group with an independent budget and operations framework control.
All pods form through the submission of a formal proposal. Pods may be indefinite or started to complete a specific task or sprint.
Members who direct their focus and energy towards SpiritDAO earn merit through contribution. This results in increased voting weight applied toward specific proposals.
All of this and more is possible because we leverage digital membership tokens. If this sounds technical, don’t worry. Our Onboarding Pod walks new members through each step of the process.
We provide ample opportunities to learn, upskill, and contribute towards our shared mission and purpose. Members are free to join existing initiatives and imagine alternatives.
For more information, see .
At SpiritDAO, we are experimenting with communal artificial intelligence. Sensemaker AI is a public-facing large-language model trained on Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis. You can interact with it in chatbot form at singletruth.org. It’s a great way to explore our philosophy and practice related to your unique journey.
Sensemaker Prime is a members-only large-language model trained on Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis. This model evolves by integrating new knowledge. It will serve as a community pulse and may eventually guide our efforts.
See our Roadmap for a more extensive listing of planned utility
Detailed information about SpiritDAO Membership
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) thrive on member creativity and contribution. The leader is often the person who knows what to do next.
SpiritDAO provides the infrastructure, resources, and education necessary to help you contribute towards our shared purposes in the directions of your choosing.
Members leverage our Collaboration Hub to share ideas, collaborate around implementation, and make formal proposals.
Proposals allow requests for funding, set firm milestones for completion, and are voted on by SpiritDAO members for approval or rejection. Proposal templates are pre-populated in our collaboration hub, making becoming involved easier and more convenient.
This process is explored in detail within our Member Onboarding!
For more detailed information about the organization of Pods, Proposals, and more, see SpiritDAO Governance.
SpiritDAO's intercommunity currency.
In a relational universe governed by the single truth, directing our focus and energy within a moment is an act of mutual becoming.
At SpiritDAO, developing incentive and contribution mechanisms in alignment with our values is vital to the successful execution of our purposes.
$SELF tokens are our inter-community exchange tokens.
$SELF tokens are time-bound and cannot be purchased. We earn them by directing our focus and energy toward SpiritDAO and SpiritDAO-related efforts.
Members exchange $SELF tokens for priority access to community resources, artifacts, events, memberships, and more.
$SELF tokens hold no value besides the value we collectively give them. They are a way for the community to reward itself and recognize member contributions.
Non-members cannot earn $SELF tokens.
$SELF tokens exist on the Optimism Chain — Etherscan.
The guidelines outlined herein serve as a network agreement for any/all participants engaging in SpiritDAO. All participating members bound to compliance with these guidelines.
SpiritDAO leverages the following tooling to empower community access and agency.
Unlock Protocol - Time-limited, non-transferable membership tokens.
Charmverse - Collaboration / Operations (Forum/Votes/Wiki/Bounties/Member Directory/Calendar)
Hats Protocol - Hats supports a suite of customized tokens/keycards that serve to provide granular access and agency within the DAO and accrue merit over time. Supports the infrastructure for weighted voting.
Bonfire - Bonfire is a token-gated video viewing platform where I can export the content watched (to the minute) of a specific wallet holding the token. Important in that it lets us verify that they completed the video.
Guild.xyz - Token gates our Community Discord + Assigns roles chosen during onboarding. Also gates our google docs.
Snapshot - Snapshot is off-chain voting by wallet (and supports weighted voting w/ hats). Most DAOs today conduct most activity off chain and then commit transactions to a chain after consensus within the community. This is integrated with Charmverse so our users can operate in a single ecosystem.
We run on the Optimism Chain (Ethereum L2)
Best practices and rules regarding engagement in the SpiritDAO Community