Cosmology and physics have revealed the single truth. It changes everything we think we know about the universe and demands a reimagination of how we organize our relationships with ourselves and others. Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis binds spiritual renaissance to systemic reformation as a pathway toward shared transcendence.
In Self-Actualization in the Age of Crisis, you’ll discover:
What cosmology and physics reveal about the nature of reality and what it means for humanity.
A detailed analysis of the multiple crises humanity struggles to overcome and what we must do to transcend them.
How the changing nature of time, single truth, relational universe, and observable infinities reframe spirituality and divinity.
A redefinition of self as it relates to individual and systemic actualization, including new core values to guide our everyday lives.
The Eight Dignities: A new set of systemic rights that further our alignment with the single truth and relational universe to fully recognize and honor our embodied infinity.
Frameworks of philosophy and practice you can embrace immediately to better align yourself with the nature of the universe as it is.
This text is a living document co-evolving alongside the SpiritDAO community.
The spiritual effort laid out in the book was not named, we now call it Temporal Naturalism.
A community initiative to translate Self-actualization in the Age of Crisis into a graphic novel format.
Not yet for sale.