🐳Pod Agreements

Guidelines for the development and organization of Pods within SpiritDAO.

General Provisions


  • The Pod is bound primarily to the SpiritDAO Network Agreement, and secondarily to its own rules and/or Agreements.


  • Each Pod shall initially consist of 3 members.

    1. All members will be elected through an election proposal in the Primary DAO.

    2. The term of each member shall be of 1 years.

    3. In the circumstance where a Pod is organized with a leader(s) and should multiple pod members be re-elected for more than five consecutive terms, the member elected for the most extended period of time will be discharged and replaced with a new committee member. The discharged member(s) can be re-elected after two years.

    4. Only natural persons who are Verified Members can be members of the Pod.

    5. Pods may take a variety of governance forms as outlined in Metropolis Pod Configurations

Termination of membership

  • If a member commits a serious breach (as determined by the Primary DAO) of the Network Agreement, the Executive Pod may at any time remove said member of a Pod. The member may appeal the decision to the Primary DAO (or future court systems).

  • A SpiritDAO Community vote will carry out all proposals for termination.

  • The Executive Pod (or future court systems) shall carry out any appeals.

Compensation & Expenses

  • Committee members of Pods may be compensated a monthly stipend. (Stable Coin / $SELF)

  • The Executive Pod shall reimburse committee members for any reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties

Executive Pod

The Executive Pod is organized as a High Council Pod, providing elected members the power to unilaterally add and remove members, manage assets and membership requirements through democratic consensus within the pod. Members act as stewards responsible for supporting the working groups of the organization.


The Executive Pod has the following powers:

  1. Delegate capital to pods/members of pods

  2. Make grants to other community members at their discretion, providing:

    • Transactions are disclosed transparently on the SpiritDAO Forum.

    • An Escrow is used to hold funds until the completion of the agreed-upon deliverable.

    • The deliverable has been fully assessed by the members of the Executive Pod.

    • Pay suppliers of the SpiritDAO network, providing such transactions are disclosed transparently on the SpiritDAO Forum.

  3. Make grants to organizations and DAOs supporting furthering the Eight Dignities at their discretion, providing:

    • Transactions are disclosed transparently on the SpiritDAO Forum.

    • An Escrow is used to hold funds until the completion of the agreed-upon deliverable.

    • The members of the Executive Pod have fully assessed the deliverable.

    • Pay suppliers of SpiritDAO, providing such transactions are disclosed transparently on the SpiritDAO Forum.

Executive Pod members have the following responsibilities:

  1. Keep an up to date record of their activities and use of funds.

  2. Hold a weekly General Meeting (online or offline) and record the meeting meetings available to SpiritDAO token Holders.

  3. Not miss any more than three (3) consecutive General Meetings without providing a valid excuse (medical or force majeure) or a public explanation to SpiritDAO Members.

Decision-Making Process

  1. Any member of the Executive Pod can schedule an action in the DAO.

  2. If another member disagrees or wishes to discuss said action, provided that said action has not been backed by a majority vote of the Executive DAO members in SpiritDAO, they can:

    • Speak directly with the member who scheduled the action, in preference through a channel that’s readable asynchronously by the community

    • Cancel the scheduled action to provide enough time for the discussion if necessary.

  3. If the discussion between members doesn’t lead to an agreement or can not be scheduled soon enough (as determined subjectively by each member), each member of the Executive Pod can trigger a vote of the Executive Pod members to resolve the dispute through a simple majority. The vote must be open for a minimum of 4 days and no longer than 14 days.

  4. The vote’s result will be invalid if:

    • Not all Executive Pod members vote AND the voting period has lasted less than 14 days or longer than 30 days. For clarity, if all Executive Pod members vote, the vote will be considered valid irrespective of the duration.

    • Less than 50% of Executive Pod members have voted.

Possible Future Pods

While the possible directions SpiritDAO may support are endless, there are some additional pods that we should consider within the near future:

Message Pod: MEMEs, Lore, Design, and more to spread the message of self-actualization in alignment with the single truth and relational universe.

Compliance Pod: As shared in Self-actualization in the Age of Crisis the formal incorporation for the DAO is a non-profit 501(c)3 religious corporation. This intersection of non-profit, spiritual/religious, and DAO law is uncharted legal territory. A compliance team consisting of SpiritDAO members with legal expertise and/or a high proficiency for detail to ensure that our operations are remaining with compliance of both the SpiritDAO Charter and the laws of our incorporated state/nation.

Dev Pod: A important component of the sovereignty, privacy, and effectiveness of our community is our capacity to build solutions to our problems. The Dev Pod should serve the following purposes:

  1. Review technical proposals in the Primary DAO and Pods to assess them from a technical risk perspective.

  2. Remove technical proposals in the Primary DAO and Pods that represent a material or technical risk to the project.

  3. Approve technical proposals they believe would be beneficial to the SpiritDAO project and DO NOT require a 3rd party technical security audit due to being low risk.

  4. Suspend technical proposals they believe would be beneficial to the SpiritDAO mission, pending the completion of a 3rd party technical security audit.

  5. When needed, add approved proposals to GitHub and other repositories and merge the code.

  6. Maintaining a list of whitelisted technical security auditors they deem sufficiently competent to audit SpiritDAO smart contracts.

Eight Dignities Pod: In accordance with our pursuit of systemic actualization, we seek to support and strengthen other DAOs working towards the eight dignities. Eight Dignities Pod members will be responsible for proactively forming cross-DAO connections between members and distributing resources to said DAOs. Also may act as a support for all other pods by sharing learnings from other DAOs.

High Ritual Pod: Serves to support the spiritual practice of high ritual as described in Self-actualization in the Age of Crisis. Includes resource cultivation and management, as well as the practice's educational, safety, and therapeutic components. Given the sensitive nature of this practice it may be ideal to organize as a "The Dictator" model, where a trusted and committed member of SpiritDAO oversees the entire operation.

Member Experience Pod: SpiritDAO intends to serve as a "wide net" for people entering web3. To accomplish this, we must be vigilant in creating and ideating seamless user experiences in all aspects of interest in and engagement with SpiritDAO.

Operations Pod: Serves to support the continued operations of core team members and projects. It may also include the management of future physical locations, such as self-actualization centers.

Security Pod: SpiritDAO exists to serve our members as much as it does to spread our message. The security of our code and tools is paramount to this mission. The Security Pod might serve as a third-party auditor with cross-pod access permissions.

Wisdom Pod: Responsible for Sensemaker Prime. Including, but not limited to, knowledge additions, data analysis, etc.

Last updated